What with overseas call after work, home work to be supervised, dinner to be made, the dog to be walked and the spouse to be nagged to help, spending ‘quality time’ with your kids would be the last thing on your mind especially on week days. But have you ever wondered for a moment about what exactly “quality time” means?... Read More
In today’s world where instant gratification seems to be the mantra of the day, being thankful for what we have seems to be losing its sheen. This is true even with kids. You teach your child the basic manners like saying please, sorry and thank you as soon as he learns how to speak. So much so, that it becomes almost like an automated... Read More
In today’s times, when social interactions are the key to survival, attending parties, eating out, interacting with people has become part of our daily lives. Going out with kids can turn into a nightmare, if they are not taught how to behave in company of others. Contrary to popular belief it is possible to train your kids so that they grow... Read More
The idea of change is intimidating to adults and kids alike, mostly because it requires you to step out of your comfort zone into unchartered territories. But change is also a way to start afresh. Changing schools is almost always a difficult time for kids as well as you as parents. Most kids react in a negative way when confronted with such a... Read More
“My child would never ever lie to me” is one of the most commonly remarked statements by parents who are still caught in parenting euphoria. If you are also a parent, who would shudder at the very idea of your little angel uttering a lie, then welcome to reality. Lying comes as naturally to children as playing or sleeping. At a very... Read More
For Anita’s mother, her concept that her child was a little angel came crashing down when she heard her daughter tell her friend where exactly that she go to during a tiff. The first time your little darling swears, can be a startling experience for you as a parent. But the truth is that at one point your little baby is likely to utter a... Read More
Visualise a scene where a family is having dinner; the father is taking an overseas call on his blackberry while the mother is chatting away on whatzapp. The tween daughter is texting her way through dinner while the preschooler son is lost in the world of videogames between mouthfuls of food pushed down by his mother. If your family dinner time... Read More
It is an accepted fact that parents of this generation are far more involved in their wards academic activities than the previous generation. Most schools have a strong and active Parent Teacher association which helps address the grievances faced by parents. Your child’s teachers especially his class teacher is a very important and... Read More
You are over the moon with the arrival of your second child and you are excited that your older child will finally have a sibling to love and to play with. Things seem to be picture perfect, except for the fact that your older child simply does not want the new baby in the house and wants to know when ‘it’ will be sent off. You hear... Read More
Your friends have come home for some coffee and gossip session, and things are going on fine, except that you can’t seem to finish a sentence; what if your child is interrupting you every 30 seconds. Whenever any of your friends attempt to speak to your child he either ignores them or runs away. If this sounds like your child, don’t... Read More
Some of the fondest childhood memories most people have are about days spent with siblings, fighting and running around and growing up together. But in today’s scenario when more parents than ever before are opting for one child, this decision often comes along with pangs of self doubt and guilt.  What do you do if you are among those... Read More
About two to three decades ago, an article with this title would be scoffed at, as the idea of teaching children to be happy, is akin to teaching a fish to swim. After all aren’t your children naturally programmed to be happy? Well yes and no. Your child is naturally programmed to be happy and live in the moment, if you let him grow up in... Read More
“My kids just won’t play outdoors”. This has become a much repeated complaint in many households today. Most kids spend hours in front of mindless video games or cartoons for the lack of anything better to do. Encourage your child to spend time outdoors doing simple fun and interesting activities that will keep him occupied as... Read More
Bullies are one the modern schools best kept secrets. As much as you as a parent would like to believe that your child will not have to deal with it in his school, the truth is that it is very much a reality in modern times. Contrary to popular belief bullying is not limited to older kids it is shockingly prevalent in as young as primary school... Read More
One of the best gifts you can give your child is to introduce him to the wonderful world of books.It’s never too early...or late to get your kids interested in reading. With a little nudge in the right direction, your kids will find a hobby to last them a lifetime. Here are some ideas to get you started off.Make reading time a fun and... Read More
Parents naturally teach children many things as part of the process of bringing them up. Some people argue that parents are the best teachers kids can have, while others claim that teachers because they are professionally trained to teach kids, are better equipped to educate them.What do we define learning?Learning is the acquisition of knowledge... Read More
The word discipline is usually seen in a negative light as far as parenting is concerned. It brings about images of parents shouting, or even smacking a naughty child. While it is true that children often need a firm hand while disciplining, it is very important to know where to draw the line. Remember that your child is never too young to start... Read More
A teacher or a parent who can be a child's best friendA friend is defined as a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations:  (as defined by the Oxford Dictionary).Yet most parents and teachers want to be their child’s/student’s ‘best friend’. The next... Read More
About a decade ago no summer holidays would be complete without the customary tree climbing sessions with friends, boisterous games of cricket or hide and seek in the yard or cycling through lanes and gullis...One the greatest disadvantages faced by urban kids of today are their lack of opportunities to connect with nature. Most of us parents have... Read More
Cool things to do with your kids this summer – halve the stress and double the fun this summer “Mom, I am bored”  these are the words which most parents dread to hear during the summer holidays. As well intentional parents, most of us cringe at the thought of our children “wasting” time instead of attending... Read More

